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See Reddy 2001 Rosenwein 2006 among earlier works, note especially Stearns and Steams 1986 Stearns 1989, 1994. Languages of Emotion at the Free University of Berlin ( loe. For an encyclopaedic and interdisciplinary overview of research in emotion and affective science, see Sander and Scherer 2009. Goldie 2010, Deonna and Teroni 2012, and Colombetti 2014. For recent, stimulating, and accessible contributions (albeit with a philosophical bias), see e.g. The journal Emotion Review publishes regular 'views from a discipline' and is an excellent repository of current approaches. 4 In this area, too, major research projects and centres for emotion history have been established, in Australia, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom,5 and the field continues to expand. Emotion research is now an enormous field, too vast to survey.2 Major centres have been established for interdisciplinary research in emotion and affective science.3 The upsurge of interest in emotion in Humanities disciplines is one aspect of these developments, and central to that phenomenon has been the impetus given to the historical study of emotions by scholars such as William Reddy and Barbara Rosenwein. Given all that had been achieved in our fields, and how much remained to be done, we felt that it was time to take stock, consolidate, and look to the future. The inclusion of Geneva's Latinists in the Centre Interfacultaire en Sciences Affectives (part of the Swiss National Center of Competence in Research, Affective Sciences) and CISA's generous funding for the conference and related research activities were the immediate catalysts 1 but the deeper reasons for planning the conference and this resulting volume lay in our sense that what had until fairly recently been sporadic and isolated contributions to the study of ancient emotions had begun to coalesce into a substantial and thriving sub-discipline in the fields of Classics and Ancient History, one in which Classicists and Ancient Historians now had significant contributions to make to the wider upsurge in interest in the emotions that has taken place across a range of disciplines in recent years. The papers in this volume all derive from the conference, 'Emotions in the Classical World: Methods, Approaches, and Directions', held at the F ondation Hardt, Vandoeuvres, 2-4 May, 2013. INTRODUCTION Douglas Cairns and Damien Nelis © Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2017 Druck: Hubert & Co., Gottingen Gedruckt auf saurefreiem, alterungsbestandigem Papier. Jede Verwertung aufserhalb der engen Grenzen des Urheberrechtsgesetzes ist unzulassig und strafbar. CHIARABATTISTELLA(Udine) ANDDAMIENNELIS (Geneva) Some thoughts on the anger of Seneca's Medea. 195 MARGARETGRAVER(Dartmouth) The vagaries of hope in Vergil and Ovid. The performance of grief: Cicero, Stoicism, and the public eye. CYNTHIADAMON(Pennsylvania)ĭie Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet iiberĭieses Werk einschliefslich aller seiner Teile ist urheberrechtlich geschutzt. GLENYSDAVIES(Edinburgh)Įmotions as a historiographical dilemma. Touching behaviour: proxemics in Roman art.

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ANGELOSCHANIOTIS(Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton) The Pseudo-Aristotelian Problems on sympathy. 105 STEPHENHALLIWELL(St Andrews)īibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek: 79 DANA LACOURSEMUNTEANU(Ohio State) The poetics of emotional expression: some problems of ancient theory. Grief: the power and shortcomings of Greek tragic consolation. 31 DONALDLATEINER(Ohio Wesleyan) Horror, pity, and the visual in ancient Greek aesthetics.

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The emotion of disgust, provoked and expressed in earlier Greek literature. DOUGLASCAIRNS(Edinburgh) and DAMIENNELIS (Geneva) © Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports/ Archaeological Receipts Fund Introduction. Galanopoulos © YITOYPfEIOITOAITU:MOY& A®AHTILMOY/TAMEIOAPXAIOAOrIKON ITOPON 350 BCE), National Archaeological Museum, Athens (inv.

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Silvio Panciera, Michael Peachin, Henk Versnel und Martin Zimmermannīand illustration: The grave stele of Demokleides from Athens (ea. Birley, Kostas Buraselis, Lucas de Blois, Segolene Demougin, Elio Lo Cascio, Mischa Meier, Elizabeth Meyer,Įdited by Douglas Cairns and Damien Nelis Gegriindet von Geza Alfoldy Herausgegeben von Angelos Chaniotis und Christian Witschelīeirat: Fram :oisBerard, Anthony R.

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Heidelberger Althistorische Beitrage und Epigraphische Studien

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